On September 28, 2023, ASP Equipment GmbH (ASP) achieved another important milestone in the PLATO project. The joint Delivery Review Board (DRB) for the so-called Protoflight Models of the Ancillary Electronic Unit (AEU) was successfully completed with the customer ESA.
In this context, ESA extended its thanks to the entire AEU team (ASP and its subcontractor EVOLEO) and congratulated them on the successful DRB: The AEU team has done an outstanding job in the face of numerous challenges, especially delays caused by supply chain difficulties.
The AEU designed, built, and tested by ASP provides power for two different types of high-precision cameras and consists of multiple power supply modules, 2 command and control modules, and an internal supply module.
PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillation of stars) is an ESA project for the exploration of extrasolar planets. The spacecraft is equipped with 26 cameras and is set to launch into space in 2026 as part of the medium-class missions of the Cosmic Vision program. It will scan a large portion of the sky for 6 years.