The Instrument Power Unit (IPU) plays a central role in achieving the high performance of the Hyperspectral Imager of the German Earth Observation Mission EnMAP. In terms of accuracy and stability of the IPU, ASP is reaching the limits of what is physically feasible to support the mission objectives.
The IPU features two ultra-precise calibration current sources distributed across eight outputs, multiple switched outputs, galvanically isolated switchable outputs up to 10A, latching current limiter functionality, 16 heater supplies, and a UART-based RS-422 interface supported by a space-qualified RTAX2000 FPGA.
The IPU itself provides thermal control of the EnMAP instrument when the on-board computer boots or is inoperable due to other circumstances.
The German Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP) is a German hyperspectral satellite mission whose goal is to monitor and characterize the environment on a global scale. EnMAP is used to measure and model important dynamic processes in the Earth’s ecosystems by obtaining geochemical, biochemical, and biophysical parameters. These provide the information on the state and evolution of various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Unique is the mission design of a hyper-spectral range from 420 nm to 1000 nm (VNIR) and from 900 nm to 2450 nm (SWIR) with high radiometric resolution and stability in both spectral ranges.
- Instrument power supply for hyperspectral imaging instrument.
- Bus voltage: 28V
- Total power: 1.5kW
- Heating outputs: 28 (programmable current sources)
- 8 ultra-precise calibration outputs
- Switchable high power outputs for multiple camera systems
- Autonomous thermal rescue management
- Digital housekeeping with full scaling and RS422 data/command interface